Law360, a prestigious legal news service, has published an article about the growing importance of social impact in law firms named 'As Social Impact Becomes The Test, Firms Asked To Step Up'
The article is part of a larger project looking at how law firms in the U.S. measure up.
Olga Ivannikova, the Founder of Private Goodness, was delighted to be interviewed for that project and is quoted saying:
'The world is moving in one direction: more sustainability, more accountability, more responsibility. You can no longer be just left alone and pretend that nothing's happening around you.'
The article also features Timothy Wilkins, Global Partner for Client Sustainability of Freshfields, Joanna Plichta Boisen, Chief Pro Bono & Social Impact Officer at Davis Wright Tremaine, Samir Abdelnour, Director of Pro Bono and Social Impact at Hanson Bridgett LLP, and others.
You can read the full article here.
